New Keynote on Culture and AI

December 14, 2023
Posted in AI
December 14, 2023 Jamie Notter

Most of my speaking these days is focused (obviously) on sharing the research and insights from our upcoming book, Culture Change Made Easy. It’s exciting to share both the culture patterns that came out of our aggregate assessment data, as well as case studies of organizations who fixed the patterns and created amazing cultures.

But the elephant in the room these days is AI, so I just developed an additional keynote that specifically connects our research to AI. I really do believe in the transformative power of AI, and I think most of us are underestimating the speed at which it will develop. We’re looking backwards at how long it took to get us where we are now, and we’re misunderstanding the exponential nature of the curve. And I think most workplace cultures are lacking the specific elements that AI will need, so I’m arguing that culture change is now becoming even more important.

See also  Bridging Futures: AI and the Theory of Change in Associations

Here’s the title and description for the keynote. Let me know if you’re interested.

AI and Culture Change: Building Future-Ready Organizations

Artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing at an unprecedented pace, dramatically reshaping the way we live and work. But most workplace cultures can’t keep up with the change, and that’s limiting our ability to leverage the transformative power of AI. In this keynote presentation, culture expert Jamie Notter will connect the dots between AI and culture change, identifying the specific elements of culture that must be developed to get ready for an AI-powered future, as well strategies for using AI to enhance your culture change efforts. Staying ahead of the curve is going to be increasingly difficult if you ignore AI, so make sure your culture is ready for it now.

See also  The Unlikely Romance: Culture Change Meets AI

Jamie Notter

Jamie is a co-founder and culture strategist at PROPEL, where he helps leaders create amazing workplace cultures that drive greater performance and impact. He brings thirty years of experience to his work designing and managing culture, and has specialized along the way in areas like conflict resolution and generations. Jamie is the co-author of four popular business books, including the award-winning Non-Obvious Guide to Employee Engagement, and his fall 2023 release, Culture Change Made Easy. He holds a Master’s in conflict resolution from George Mason and a certificate in Organization Development from Georgetown, where he serves as adjunct faculty.